Please read the following notes that provide a heads-up on tax office communications you may be receiving shortly regarding the final 5th SEISS claim for June-September 2021.

Your Personal Claim Date

You should receive an email, SMS or letter from HMRC shortly advising you of your “Personal Claim Date”. This is the date from which you can make your claim for the 5th and final SEISS grant. Do not claim before this date as it will not be processed.

Preparing Turnover Figures

As part of the claims process HMRC will need additional turnover figures as part of the 5th grant application. They will need turnover for two years:

  • The “pandemic year” – a 12-month period from 1 to 6 April 2020
  • The “reference year” – 2019-20 or 2018-19.

We can help you calculate these numbers. The 5th grant will be paid at two rates depending on whether your turnover has fallen by more or less than 30%.

Taxpayers Who Were Newly Self-Employed in 2019-20

If you fall into this category, HMRC may send you a letter asking for proof of identity and trade information via Dropbox. As part of the process HMRC will also call you.

You will not be able to make a claim unless you respond to these requests.

If Online Process Is Not Available

A small number of taxpayers will receive a letter from HMRC asking them to call if they want to make a claim. The online service will not be available if you receive this letter.

To claim, you will need to call the number on the letter.

Beware Scams…

Fraudsters will no doubt attempt to piggy-back on these processes to obtain personal information or your bank details. If you are at all unsure if a letter, email or SMS is genuine, please call so we can advise or call HMRC by using a contact number on the GOV.UK website (

There is also a list of genuine HMRC contacts made at

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