Action to Take if Eligible for The 4Th seiss Grant Feb-Apr 2021

Look out for communication from HMRC April 2021

HMRC will be contacting you in mid-April to let you know if you are eligible to claim the 4th SEISS grant for the quarter ending 30 April 2021.

This will be sent by letter, email or within HMRC’s online service and it will advise you of the earliest date you can make your claim.

Before making your claim

To make your claim you will need to gather together the following information:

  • Your self-assessment unique taxpayer reference (UTR)
  • National Insurance number
  • Government Gateway user ID and password
  • Your UK bank details including sort code, account number, name on the account and address linked to the account.

You may also need to answer questions about your passport, driving license or other information held on your credit file.

You may need to back up your claim

You will need to keep evidence that your business has suffered reduced activity. For example, business accounts show reduced activity, records of cancelled contracts or appointments, record of any dates you suffered reduced activity due to lockdown or similar government restrictions.

Additionally, you will need to keep details of the following:

  • A record of dates you had to close due to government restrictions
  • NHS Test and Trace instructions if self-isolating
  • NHS instruction to shield
  • Test results if diagnosed with coronavirus
  • Letters from school regarding closures that required you take on additional child care

Making your claim

You can only apply online, and the online service is timed to open from late April 2021. Your letter from HMRC will advise you of the earliest date you can apply.

You must make the claim personally, we cannot do this for you.

Once you have completed the claims process you should receive your grant within 6 days.

We can help

Although we cannot directly make claims for clients we can help if you are unsure if you should make a claim or you are having difficulty completing the online application process.

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