Even with the continuing support provided by the government furlough scheme – the current scheme will end 31 March 2021 – many business owners may be faced with making staff redundant. If you need to consider laying-off staff we have listed below some of the steps you may need to take.

In order to stay the right side of employment regulations it is necessary follow strict guidelines to avoid future challenges and disputes with affected employees.

The steps you may need to follow include:

  1. How many staff due you need to make redundant?
  2. Have you considered alternatives, reorganisations for example?
  3. If making 20 or more staff redundant you will need a formal consultation process.
  4. You will need to create a selection pool and selection criteria.
  5. Write to affected staff with the above details.
  6. You could consider calling for voluntary redundancies and set out terms of any enhanced offer.
  7. Hold consultations with staff.
  8. Score individuals based on selection criteria and send to staff for their comments.
  9. Hold second consultations with staff who fall below minimum selection scores.
  10. Finalise your selection, communicate with affected staff and deal with remaining formalities.

We can help

It may be possible to avoid redundancy, if you do need help with the initial number crunching or with an objective review of your current circumstances – to decide if you need to consider a formal redundancy scheme – please call.

01 December 2020

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